Enchant your Audiences with Live Storytelling

"Tim is a contemporary, hip storyteller... original and authentic."
~ Gay Ducey, Bay Area Storytelling Festival
Whether you are an arts presenter with a theater or a party host who wants a remarkable live event, I can take your audiences on a journey into their imaginations, drawing on ancient stories on timeless themes, told for contemporary listeners. Hear familiar favorites and nearly forgotten stories that deserve new listeners. Stories as relevant today as they were when they were first told thousands of years ago.
At theaters, festivals, backyard concerts, and virtual rooms in the San Francisco Bay Area, throughout California, and across the country, Storyteller Tim Ereneta brings fairy tales and folktales alive for modern audiences. Audiences agree: in 2021, Tim won the Pittsburgh Storytelling Series' inaugural Folktale Fight.
Fairy tales? Did you say fairy tales?
Yes, fairy tales. But don't expect unicorns and rainbows. Tim tells tales in all their grim details, where parents abandon their children in the woods to witches and monsters, and happy endings may include justice served up with an axe.
~ Gay Ducey, Bay Area Storytelling Festival
Whether you are an arts presenter with a theater or a party host who wants a remarkable live event, I can take your audiences on a journey into their imaginations, drawing on ancient stories on timeless themes, told for contemporary listeners. Hear familiar favorites and nearly forgotten stories that deserve new listeners. Stories as relevant today as they were when they were first told thousands of years ago.
At theaters, festivals, backyard concerts, and virtual rooms in the San Francisco Bay Area, throughout California, and across the country, Storyteller Tim Ereneta brings fairy tales and folktales alive for modern audiences. Audiences agree: in 2021, Tim won the Pittsburgh Storytelling Series' inaugural Folktale Fight.
Fairy tales? Did you say fairy tales?
Yes, fairy tales. But don't expect unicorns and rainbows. Tim tells tales in all their grim details, where parents abandon their children in the woods to witches and monsters, and happy endings may include justice served up with an axe.